An Andalusian Adventure – day 6

It wasn’t meant to be like this

Sitting down to write my blog each evening is a good thing: it provides a record for me to read and re-live our adventures when we’re back at home, it might provide you, dear reader, an insight into- and possibly some inspiration? – to our travels, and it forces me to gather my thoughts, and reflect back on what we have done. A today, that is, perhaps, particularly important.

Its been cold, unseasonably cold, and this evening it has rained, and it would be easy for this – like the leaden grey colds in the sky – overshadow the day. But despite it being only 9 degrees when we left the apartment at 9 am, and edged its way up to a “high” of 12 degrees by 2 pm, we’ve seen and done a lot.

It began (after breakfast of tostada con tomate, of course!) we headed up to see a bit of street art we had spotted yesterday from our bus as we drove into the city:

And then, across the wall, was a collection painted on a wall alongside a busy road:

A selection of them individually:

After the modern, it was back to the old. We went to the Casa del Ray Moro (House of the Moorish King) (10 euros each) in the main so we could see the “water mine” and descend to a platform on the river. We descended 169 feet, on stone stairs in an old tower/shaft

and emerged onto a small platform on the river. It was picturesque and I would have said peaceful but we were visiting at the same time as a French couple (no problem) and three Americans. Problem. They did not stop talking, and they have no volume control. I couldn’t help but hear, in detail, about one of their’s difficulties in getting a visa. Self-awareness? Nada.

We ascended all 200 ish stairs back to the top, and then continued our ambles, taking in the ambience of this beautiful city. After lunch, the cold was beginning to seep into our bones, and curtailed our rambles. Back at the apartment, I snuck in a siesta, before we headed out back into the gathering gloom, and cold. We found somewhere to eat – inside! – and whilst we ate, rain began to fall. We lingered a little longer, ordering coffee, and timed our exit well – the rain had stopped, so we headed to see the bridge lit up, and grab a couple of photos.

We didn’t loiter, as more rain was forecast, and it duly arrived when we were a few minutes from home. Even the Ale Hop cow needed an umbrella!

A damp, cold end to the day, but looking back, we’ve done a lot. Good job I’ve blogged about it to jog my memory.