A Greek Odyssey – day 26


I will confess, as time on our trip has passed, it is possible that one’s standards may have eroded a little. We left the UK with clean, laundered and ironed clothes, T- shirts changed daily, cleanliness being next to godliness and all that. Now, a few weeks in, new norms have been established: a T-shirt does at least two days, then I take it in the shower with me to give it a rinse through – dry it in the sunshine and wind, and its good to go again.

For lunch today, we picnicked on the beach – a hunk of bread, an apple and some pretzels. I am told – although I fervently disagree – that I have “grabby hands” when it comes to crisps and the like, and I am forbidden for delving into sharing bags as I come away with a handful, too much, apparently. So denied direct access to our bag of pretzels, and with no bowls or plates to hand, one of my slider shoes was pressed into action as a plate for my pretzels. OK – perhaps standards are on the slide(r!) after 26 days of travelling, but it worked.

Later in the day, after a shower and a proper sit down meal with full crockery we continued our amble along the Posidonia side of the bay and came across a hotly contested game of beach volleyball that we watched for ten minutes or so. This was on the “trendy”” beach and we definitely were not in the age profile of the rest of the beach users, but it was fun to watch this great sport being played.

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